In this article-based course, students will discuss and critically evaluate current literature on the structure of applicative constructions. Applicative constructions prototypically involve the promotion of a semantically peripheral participant (like a locative, instrument, or beneficiary), syntactically realized as an adjunct, to a core argument, as a direct object. We will discuss current literature on three areas of alternation found in relation to applicative constructions: (i) argument/oblique alternations, where the applicative argument is realized as a core DP or an oblique PP argument; (ii) case alternations, where the applicative argument or the verbal object can bear the same case as monotransitive objects; and (iii) word order alternations, where either the applicative argument or the verbal object can undergo movement operations such as passivization or topicalization. Students will learn about the state-of-the-art on applicative constructions, and apply a critical review to recent literature.
**Please note that the course will only start two weeks after the semester start, on October 31st. We will make up the missing two initial classes during the semester.**
- Kursverantwortliche/r: Dr. Jozina Vander Klok