
The lecture offers an overview of US American literary history from the 17th century to World War I. In the BA American Studies, it is complemented by a tutorial taught by students from the Master program in American Studies; in the BA English, by a Lektüreseminar. In the tutorial or Lektüreseminar, selected texts from different literary periods or movements are discussed in greater depth to give students a more thorough and nuanced understanding of North American literature and its development until the early 20th century.

Please sign of for this lecture through Agnes (it is the only way I can give you the key for the Moodle Course). Please also sign up in Agnes in the same module for one of the groups for the Lektüreübung aka Lektüreseminar.

If you have problems signing up or getting a place in a tutorial/Lektüreseminar please write a mail to hiwis.klepper@staff.hu-berlin.de (please do tell us whether you are BA Amerikanistik or BA English!).

Reading and Preparation:

  • The text basis for the lecture will be the Norton Anthology of American Literature (Shorter 10th Edition, Vol 1 + 2) -- You can also buy a less costly older edition! No problem – there are also many used versions!
  • The powerpoint presentations used in the lecture will be available for viewing and downloading on the e-learning platform Moodle as a pdf before the online lecture – so that you can have a look before. The key will be announced through Agnes (please look into the email you use for Agnes!). You will also find the syllabus and a bibliography in Moodle.

Module Requirements (MAP):

BA English: Take Home Exam (ca. 6 Seiten/12.000 Zeichen) in either this lecture or the lecture in English literary history. BA 

Amerikanistik: Klausur (60 min). No „spezielle Arbeitsleistungen.“

VL (1)                                   Mo 15-16                                         wöch.                                 Raum UL 6, 2091/92

Semester: WiSe 2024/25
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)