
This is the moodle course for Circle U's Summer School "Empowering Cliamte Action: Policy, Comunication and Agency.

The overarching aim of the Summer School is to provide a multidisciplinary group of Bachelor students with an introduction to the complex relationships between climate research, climate change, climate impact mitigation and climate policy as well as climate science communication.

The summer school is organized in two parts: An online part and the face-to-face summer school in Berlin. During the online part, students will engage with key concepts in climate science and research around climate change. The online activities will serve to connect students with the other participants from their local Circle U. university. Students will analyse and document examples of climate impact in their home region and research environmental and sustainability policies at their university. During their stay in Berlin, they will mostly work in mixed teams with students from other Circle U. universities. In international and interdisciplinary teams, participants will prepare for a climate negotiation exercise. The aim is to get students to experience the process of negotiating complex issues and conflicting interest.

Students’ participation in the summer school will be assessed by a learning portfolio of tasks they will complete individually, in pairs or as part of a team. The written part of the portfolio will be completed online (submission via HU-Moodle). The first round of presentations will also take place online (via HU-ZOOM), the simulation exercise will take place face-to-face in Berlin. Students will complete all tasks during the summer school. The portfolio is formative (pass/fail). Successful participants will receive a Certificate of Completion and Certificate Supplement issued by Circle U. In addition, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin will provide a Transcript of Records (5 ECTS)

Semester: SoSe 2024
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)