
Discussion of seminar topics: 23.04. and NEW DATE: 30.04.2024 
Presentation and discussion of seminar papers: 02.07., 03.07.2024

Location: DIW Berlin, Mohrenstraße 58, 10117 Berlin. Elinor Ostrom Hall 

In this seminar, the participants shall prepare and present a seminar paper. The seminar deals with changes and new developments in the theoretical and empirical literature on monetary policy. Topics covered through lectures and seminar papers include the following: the appropriate mandates and objective function of central banks, the relationship between monetary policy and financial supervision, the role of the exchange rates, the functioning of monetary policy in a monetary union, the importance of fiscal dominance, quantitative easing during financial crises, the role of communication of objectives and policies, the functioning of central bank committees, transparency and independence and accountability, global coordination of monetary policy, the international role of the euro and the US dollar. The course will first start with a series of lectures addressing these various issues. The seminar participants are then asked to prepare a seminar paper on one of the issues, which then has to be presented and discussed towards the end of the semester. To allow an intensive dialogue among the students, the seminar is organized in block classes. Many topics are closely related to each other.

Semester: SoSe 2024
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)