
What are the methodological implications of queer theory? What makes a research project queer or feminist? What are the opportunities and challenges of conducting research on gender and sexuality in present-day Berlin? This course will provide students with a practical exploration of queer theory and feminist perspectives in research methods.

We will revisit Berlin's history as a pioneer of sexuality research in Europe and put this in perspective with the contributions from early-career researchers interested in gender and sexuality research in Berlin. We will examine how societal norms and structures influence the ways in which research is conducted and knowledge is produced.

 We will explore a range of concepts, including intersectionality, homonormativity, and anti- and inter-disciplinarity, and discuss how they could shape and inform research and analysis. After covering these key concepts, we will focus on ethnographic methods and address issues related to conducting research with marginalized groups, including the importance of informed consent, confidentiality, and reflexivity. Throughout the course, students will develop critical thinking skills, engage in discussions and debates, and conduct independent research tasks.

Student Assistants
Selva Daşdemir: dasdemis@hu-berlin.de

Semester: SoSe 2024
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)