
Ever wondered the idea of a "Big Bang" or an expanding universe got generally accepted? Or what caused physics to adopt such weird enteties as dark matter and dark energy? Or how you would go about to find a cosmological string?

The course in experimental cosmology tries to answer these questions through giving a physical understanding of how observations of the Universe at large scales can be connected to theoretical concepts.

The course will cover the following topics:
  • Introduction to General Relativity, the Big Bang model and the Lambda-Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) Universe.
  • Fundamental observations of the Universe at large scales.
  • Dark energy and the accelerated expansion rate.
  • Big bang nucleosynthesis, inflation and other early Universe physics.
  • The cosmic microwave background (CMB) and structure formation.

Semester: WiSe 2023/24
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)