Archives are sometimes physical, sometimes metaphorical repositories of
knowledge. Official archives are often associated with inaccessibility,
censorship and state authority, while informal or alternative archives
seek to counter omissions and distortions in the dominant
historiography. The aim of the seminar is to convey both archival
concepts and approaches to concrete archival research. In the seminar we
read key texts of postcolonial and queer archival theory, e.g. by
Michel Foucault, Ann Stoler, Saidiya Hartman, and Anjali Arondekar. We
discuss conventional forms of archival recording and preservation,
transmission and retrieval as well as unsecured knowledges such as
memory, speculation and fabulation. We also engage with archive-based
literary and artistic works, e.g. by Rea Tajiri, M. Nourbese Philip and
Lubaina Himid. The seminar includes various writing exercises and a
field trip to a Berlin archive.
- Kursverantwortliche/r: Anja Sunhyun Michaelsen