
This manual will take you through the steps of conceiving, discussing, and writing a scientific paper, particularly a seminar paper, BA oder MA thesis or a dissertation. 

Documents, Guidelines for Writing Scientific Papers

If you want to write a seminar paper, please go through these three steps which apply to seminar papers, BA oder MA theses, and doctoral dissertations. 

1. Think about a topic or a research question and make an appointment in my office hours to talk about it.

2. Once we have agreed on a topic or a research question, write an outline with comments. 

This outline 

  • should start with your research question (e.g. "What is the main problem for an explanation of phenomenal states?"), 
  • it should then formulate a clear research hypothesis ("The main problem is a misunderstanding regarding reductive explanations")
  • and it should contain  table of content with short comments under each headline, outlining your main arguments in each individual section.
In order to keep the structure as clear as possible, the outline should not consist of continuous text.

The outline is only a starting point. You can (and most likely will) change it during your work on your paper. 

Maximum length of the entire outline are 2 pages!

3. Send it to me. After receiving feedback, start writing your paper.

You will find two examples for an outline and more a extensive guide for writing a philosophical paper below.

Semester: Semesterübergreifende Kurse
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)