Enrolment options

Mapping has been a research and visualization method explored in multiple disciplines i.e urban anthropology, design, architecture, critical geography, and cartography. However, mapping and counter-mapping make for design productions tightly related to colonial acquisition and plural forms of resistance. This seminar links ethnographic knowledge production to design methods and invites students to develop collaborative, interdisciplinary tools for engaged mapping of spatial, affective, institutional, and organized modes of Othering in Berlin. The seminar is based on the thematic intersections of the two doctoral research projects “Negotiations of Arab-Muslim Identifications in Sonnenallee” and “Morality and Responsivity among young, Muslim Men in Berlin-Neukölln”.


Im Fall von neuen Regulationen zu Covid-19 oder anderen Hindernissen, wird der Kurz online angeboten oder als Hybridform per Zoom (Präsens/Online) angepasst. Die Plattformen Zoom und Moodle werden zur Kommunikation und zu spezifischen Informationen zum Kursformat verwendet.

Learning Objectives:

  • To critically reflect on ethnographic knowledge production through interdisciplinary perspectives (anthropology and design in particular)
  • To diversify the students’ research methods through experimenting with mapping and counter-mapping
  • To encourage engaging with practice-based actors (artists, designers, curators, cartographers, architects, etc) on questions of critical representation

Main Aims:

  • To challenge the ways students engage with their own research data, as we believe that the interdisciplinary discussions during the seminar can equally benefit their methodological pursuits as it can encourage them to develop their own research interests
  • To create space for vibrant discussions, hands-on experiments, and participatory, process-oriented collaborations allowing for creative data collection techniques and group-work
  • To encourage students to engage with practical, experimental research tasks through mapping and counter-mapping in light of de/postcolonial scholarship
  • To produce multimodal mini-projects in line with the central thematics of the seminar

Semester: WiTerm 2022/23
Self enrolment
Self enrolment