Enrolment options

This course introduces the properties of speech sounds and their combination in language. We will learn how speech sounds are produced, the organs used, and specific articulatory gestures performed to produce them. We will study how the sounds of a particular language can be established and how to account for their variation in different contexts. The course will discuss how sounds are combined into pronounceable units and their structure. We will identify common assimilatory processes found across the word's languages.

The course will be delivered in  a hybrid manner with in-person lectures, pre-recorded video lectures, and live online discussions.

There will be at least three assignments which are compulsory for all those taking the course, even if you only need the credits and will not take the MAP in this course.

Textbook: I will add relevant chapters of the textbooks along with the lecture slides on Moodle.

1. Ashby, Patricia. 2011. Understanding Phonetics. Understanding Language Series. London: Hodder Education

2. Odden, David. 2005. Introducing Phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Semester: SuTerm 2022
Self enrolment (Participant)
Self enrolment (Participant)