
Die Ausgestaltung des Blended Learning hängt von der Pandemieentwicklung ab; Details werden zu Semesterbeginn im Austausch mit den Teilnehmer:Innen festgelegt

Information über den Inhalt des Kurses zu Thema, Art der Daten, Quellen usw., um eine fundierte Wahl treffen zu können, am Kurs teilzunehmen

Among the major premises of New Materialism is the repositioning of the human vis-a-vis non-human agents; that is to overcome the privileged centrality of the human subject in processes of world-making. Paying critical materialist attention to the pervasive influences of especially late capitalism and climate change, studies in new materialism aspire to re-examine human agency, humanity, as well as the dynamic relationships between human and non-human beings.

Starting from here, the two-partite international research seminar aims at developing a decolonial approach that enables students from Asian Studies at IAAW and University of Central Asia in Tajikistan to debate and develop visions for global citizenship that entails new ethical forms of being-in-the-world.

Envisioning the ‘global citizen’ in research-based think tanks, students will develop alternative designs for future human/non-human co-existence in Asia, Europe, and beyond. Thus, the following potential research topics and their specific forms of their material mediation include local responses to global challenges in the context of rapid urbanization, migration, education, environment and health, religious and other forms of diversity, heritage, as well as artificial intelligence.

The seminar is a research-based teaching collaboration to be funded by the DAAD. The seminar will be continued in SoSe 22 and concludes with students’ presentation of think tank results at a workshop to be held at the UCA Tajikistan.


Information über die Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen, die im Kurs entwickelt werden sollen (z.B. Lesen und Interpretation von Originaltexten, akademisches Schreiben, Feldforschung usw.)

A focus on transcultural, transregional, and transdisciplinary competencies and methods, the seminar will enable students 1) to recognize global challenges of co-existence in their complex interdependencies; 2) to critically rethink contingent realities, lifeworlds and entanglements beyond those still prevalent paradigms that build on the modernist dualism of subject-object separation, social constructivism or on hegemonic knowledge formations shaped by eurocentrism and (neo)colonialism; 3) to engage in international team-based research groups, be pro-active in group-discussions and various presentation formats; 4) be involved in digital peer-learning and peer-review activities and 5) to participate in dialogical research formats that sensitize for decolonial approaches, and for reflecting research ethics and positionality.

Especially desired is the commitment to participate in both semesters and the final workshop in Dushanbe (1-3 September 2022), and interest in writing the MA thesis on a related topic. Required also the successful completion of Modules 1 +2 (MA Zentralasienstudien / MA Süd- und Südostasienstudien) and/or at least 30 LP at MA level


Dieser Kurs ist nur in Kombination mit der gleichnamigen UE bzw. dem gleichnamigen SPJ belegbar.


Hausarbeit / Forschungsbericht; mündliche Prüfung

Semester: WiSe 2021/22
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)
Selbsteinschreibung (Teilnehmer/in)