



Details & Notes







Saying hello to each other



17:00- 18:30


Design After Progress – research project group – HDK-Valand, Umeå Institute of Design, School of Arts and Communication an der Universität Malmö und Linnaeus Universität, Schweden:

Hunting for Ghosts and Histories in Berlin: Design Haunted by Progress


Henrik Steffens Lecture

Ideas and ideals of ‘progress’ are embedded in ways of making and knowing the world, for example through technological development, rationality and economic growth. As design researchers, we will start this public lecture by sharing anchor points in history of where and how ‘progress’ was established to create common ground. We will also deliberate on how design has participated in making situations and lives better from certain – human-centered – perspectives, whilst also acknowledging that attention is increasingly directed towards what has been neglected and sacrificed in this progressivist project. The public lecture then moves into a seanse-workshop where we all explore, on location, how ideas and practices of ‘progress' take on a ghostly presence in design, haunting us as we try to find ways of doing and thinking design otherwise. The session strives towards finding ways of being better haunted to make liveable worlds through creative practice. 








Rehearsal studio:

Nature Writing - Materiality, Language and Literature


Dörte Linke


17:00 – 17:45

Dr. Solvejg Nitzke – Technische Universität Dresden:

Ghostly Trees and Evil Plants. The Dark Sides of Literary and Cultural Plant Studies

Henrik Steffens Lecture

 If we regard plants at all, we rarely give them agency credit, let alone the capacity to act malevolently. Gardeners might develop a ferocious hatred of so-called weeds, but those seem far away from the monsters that populate plant horror fiction. From the triffids and plant aliens of Science Fiction to the real monster weeds covering entire landscapes, plant horror connects to environmental crises in intriguing and haunting ways. Ghost trees and haunted trees talk of futures past and lost opportunity but they also act as a warning sign that we need to learn how to read and act upon. In this talk I will introduce you to some of the most dangerous plants in fiction and beyond and explore how notions of good and evil, monstrous and natural are blurred in plants and plant fiction. This, I aim to show, serves us as an index for our own haunted and haunting relationships with plants and nonhuman beings. Learning how to communicate with ghosts and acknowledging our own vegetal monstrosity might be one key to future coexistence with our nonhuman others.

17:45 – 18:30









Rehearsal studio:

“Unprofessional Botany”



Solveijg Nitzke








13:45 – 14:30

Dr. Dörte Linke – Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:

"Nature writing" as World-Making?


Henrik Steffens Lecture

 ​​In the literary exploration of natural phenomena, it is always an important question how these can be conceptualized and described. It becomes clear that "nature" as such does not exist, but that literary images of nature are narratives and constructs that say less about the object itself and much more about the human beings who create them - their lifeworlds, their cultural values and, not least, their self-image in relation to their own environments. This lecture will therefore explore the phenomenon of so-called "nature writing" - what exactly can it be? And what problems and possibilities does it harbor? This will be examined using texts by the Swedish author Harry Martinsson (1904-1978) and Josefine Klougart (*1985) as examples. In this way, the lecture also ties in with the two previous ones, as it also deals with the question of how literary texts can prevent natural phenomena from being forgotten and how they thereby also connect times, spaces and living beings with each other.







Rehearsal studio:

Ghost Hunting in everyday environments – curating trajectories of thinking and acting

Design after Progress







Round-up; what have we learned?



Semester: WiSe 2023/24