Schumpeter BSE Seminar (SoSe 2021)
Abschnitte dieses Kurses
Since 2000, the economic department of the Humboldt University has organized a research seminar in cooperation with the DIW (Deutsches Institute für Wirtschaftsforschung, the Free University Berlin and the Technical University Berlin - in macroeconomics, labor economics and related topics.
To attend please register by clicking on the button below. You will receive notifications for subsequent Schumpeter-BSE Seminars including access details.
This seminar is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Hosts: Michael Burda (HU), Frank Heinemann (HU), Nikolaus Wolf (HU), Alexander Kriwoluzky (DIW), Joonseok Oh (FU)
de/professuren/vwl/wtm2/ seminar-schumpeter/ schumpeterseminar Responsible for coordination: keidel(at)