With an emphasis on speaking and reading, this course is designed for students of the Arts and Humanities and will cover topics of general interest: art, film, music, and various current events. Participants will give presentations based on an approved topic of their choice. Throughout the semester, there will also be ample grammar review and vocabulary building, along with regular discussion and some writing practice. Apart from attending class regularly (there is an 80% attendance requirement), students are expected to submit weekly homework assignments and to make regular use of the Moodle course site. The final test will comprise three components: (1) a reading comprehension test, (2) a vocabulary and grammar test, and (3) a short oral exam (10–15 minutes). The Leistungsnachweis will be awarded on the basis of regular and active participation as well as the successful completion of the final tests.
Voraussetzung: Online-Einstufungstest mit 50 bis 70 Punkten.

Semester: SuTerm 2020