The students acquire knowledge of the economic analysis of international migration, the integration of immigrants into the labor market and the labor market effects of migration. They are acquainted with topics such as the theoretical explanations and empirical estimation of migration flows and stocks, the self-sorting of migrants, the transfer of human capital, the assimilation of wages and employment opportunities, and the causal identification of the wage and employment effects of migration.

Lecture: This course provides an overview on the economic analysis of internal migration, the labor market integration of immigrants and the labor market effects of migration. It covers both fundamental theories and empirical analyzes. 

Exercise: Discussion of seminal papers focusing on the main topics of the lecture. Solving exercises addressing main topics of the course.

Organization: Information about the implementation of the course will follow shortly. 

Knowledge in Labor Economics, recommended “Einführung in die Ökonometrie”.

Literature:  Bodvarsson, Ö.B., H. Van den Berg, The Economics of Immigration, Springer: Heildberg/New York 2009; Borjas, George J., Immigration Economics, Harvard University Press 2014; ausgewählte Literatur aus Fachbüchern und –zeitschriften.


StO/PO BA BWL und VWL 2010: 6 LP, Modul: "Migration Economics"

StO/PO BA BWL und VWL 2016: 6 LP, Modul: "Migration Economics"


Written Exam (90 min)

Semester: SuTerm 2024