This course aims to provide students with the opportunity to improve key speaking, reading and listening skills in their fields of study. Each week students will be expected to give short presentations on current economic and political events and to participate actively in follow-up discussions and role play in related case studies. Topics will include a general review of economics, economic models, key economists, etc and the interrelationship of the economic, political and business environments. At the end of the course students should be able, through trainer input and feedback, to exhibit C1 English language ability in spoken skills and reading & listening comprehension. Previous knowledge of economic and business terminology or concepts is not a prerequisite. Students will be assessed on the basis of an agreed presentation theme, homework/class contribution, and by passing the final tests in Speaking (presentation and related class inputs) and Reading and Listening Comprehension.
Voraussetzung: Online-Einstufungstest mit 65 bis 100 Punkten.

Semester: Former semesters