This course is designed for advancing the experience of participants with basic knowledge and experience in CGE modelling in GAMS and prepare them for using and adapting state of the art/standard CGE models for own research. It starts by a brief refreshment on the basics of CGE modeling in GAMS and SAM estimation before running real-world experiments in open economy multi-sectoral CGE models.
Acknowledging that CGE models produce comprehensive results, the course dedicates some time to providing hands-on training on how to better analyze and present CGE results. Afterwards, participants will produce and assess results under different model settings considering various assumptions and parametrizations.
After assuring that participants are familiar with designing, running and analyzing experiments in standard CGE models, the course will propose and highlight various options of extending standard CGE models in various dimensions. For the time being, these include:

  • options of labor mobility and employment,
  • working with satellite accounts in order to distinguish prices and quantities,
  • depicting education in CGE models,
  • options for modeling quotas and technological change, and
  • integration of stochastics.

The course is a combination of lectures, PC demonstrations, group work and assignments. During the course, participants will work in subgroups in parallel and prepare a presentation on a selected topic. On the last day of the course, the groups present and discuss their findings with all participants. Instructors will provide feedback and will be available during the group work phases to help with technical problems and/or to answer related questions.

Semester: WiTerm 2021/22