"Only look, don't touch" was an old marketing slogan, which perfectly describes one of the key advantages of "Remote Sensing". We only observe, without cahnging the objetc's properties. Objects are too far away to investigate them in person. But we have photos of them: taken from aboard satellites/telescopes in space. The cameras and other instruments look back onto our planet (or to other celestial bodies) and observe them from a bird's eye perspective... The human influence is obvious, and so is the immense benefit of having "Eyes in the Sky".
But what happens, when the eyes in the orbit are too many? Starlink (Elon Musk) and Project Kuiper (Jeff Bezos) are gigantic programs designed to save the world in their own way. But who regulates satellites/telescopes in space? The amount of space junk is already dangerously high ("The spirits I called"). So, how many more satellites can the orbit take? How does society profit from their data and are the profits distributed equally?

We want to have a closer look at the legal situation, who oversees the access to space and what power staces vs. individuals hold. Discussions will tackle questions of ethics/philosophy, of sustainability, of discrimination and political participation.

Semester: SoSe 2024