In the 1920s, Bucharest used to be referred to as “the Paris of the East” and boasted an almost confoundingly multicultural milieu. Some art historians argue that Dada was born here, in the distant, folkish-exotic urban environment of old Bucharest, rather than in the Cabaret Voltaire in Zürich: A small group of avant-gardists took their “Dada avant la letter, refracted through Romanian and Yiddish culture with them when they emigrated to Switzerland.

Today’s contemporary art scene is also rich in exceptional elements. The National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC, founded in 2001) is located in of the wings of the Palace of the Parliament (!), one of the largest administrative buildings in the world — during the Communist era known as the “House of the People”. Beside MNAC, we will visit another recently established institution, MARe (Museum of Recent Art, 2015), the first and only museum displaying a permanent collection of contemporary Romanian art. The excursion will be rounded up with site visits to smaller galleries and off-spaces as well as studio visits and meetings with local art professionals.

Semester: SoSe 2024