This introductory course on Quantum Field Theory will be taught by Prof. Dr. Olaf Hohm.

The following topics will be covered in the lectures and exercise sessions:

1) General Overview of QFT
(Quantization of fields; particle interpretation; perturbation theory)

2) Classical Field Theory
2.1 Poincare group and its representations
2.2 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation for scalar (spin-0),
spinor (spin-1/2) and vector (spin-1)
2.3 Symmetries & Noether's theorem

3) QFT for Scalar (Spin-0)
3.1 Canonical quantization, propagators, Green's function
3.2 Interactions, Wick's theorem
3.3 Scattering Amplitudes/S-matrix

4) Path Integral Formalism
4.1 Feynman's derivation
4.2 Finite-dimensional integrals as toy model
4.3 Perturbation theory, Feynman diagrams

5) Quantum Electrodynamics
5.1 Canonical quantization of spin-1/2
5.2 Canonical quantization of spin-1
5.3 Interactions and Simple Processes

6) Renormalization Theory

Semester: WiSe 2023/24