In this seminar, we will deal with empirical research from two angles: First, we introduce core concepts from philosophy of science that are relevant for empirical research, e.g., critical realism and causality. Second, we practice conducting empirical research by critically reading and replicating existing research.

A component of the seminar is an ungraded presentation.

Required: A good understanding of econometrics (OLS and causal inference). Bachelor students are required to have taken the course "Introduction to Econometrics".

 Max. 20 participants.

Application: Please send a mail to Prof. Nikolaus Wolf ( until 30 September 2023  indicating also the program you study. If there are more applicants than spots, we will draw a lottery in advance and let you know about the result 9 Ocotber, 2023.

Semester: WiSe 2023/24