03.-04.07.2023 (Online)

20.-24.09.2023 (In-Person, HU Berlin) 


Prof. Dr. Robert Stock, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (robert.stock at hu-berlin.de)

Kateřina Kolářová, PhD, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague (katerina.kolarova at fhs.cuni.cz)

Dr. Magdalena Zdrodowska, Jagiellonian University in Krakow (magda.zdrodowska at uj.edu.pl)

Dr. Radu Harald Dinu, Jönköping University (radu.dinu at ju.se)

Dr. Fernando Fontes, Centro de Estudos Sociais - University of Coimbra (fernandofontes at ces.uc.pt)

Dr. Patrícia Roque Martins, Instituto de História da Arte - FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (pmartins at fcsh.unl.pt)

Critical Disability Studies and its relation to the humanities is an emerging field of scientific enterprise. As diversity becomes an organizing principle of European societies, disability is among the crucial topics regarding human rights, politics of higher education, participation in digital cultures and social media. The teaching team of this course combines expertise in film, media, and museum studies, cultural studies, cultural history and gender studies. The summer school will apply intersectional approaches to interrogate historical and contemporary disability cultures and in particular focus on contemporary politics of access, representation, empowerment, and diverse cultures of disability/crip activism. Together we will explore both historical and ongoing struggles of disabled people and communities for political and cultural participation in various parts of Europe. The aim of this summer school is thus to develop an understanding of structural and institutionalized nature of marginalization of disabled people as well as an understanding of how disability–as a category of social organization–intersects with other categories such as race, gender, age, class and how these intersectional play out differently in different cultural and historical contexts. Furthermore, the summer school aims to foster a critical perspective that acknowledges the ambivalent yet important role of history, arts, cultural institutions, social media or digital platforms for epistemic practices, knowledge building and networking of disabled people. During the in-person event we will offer three modules focusing on disability history; arts, media and museums; politics, activism and activist networks.

Semester: SuTerm 2023