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In this seminar we will examine the impact of recent and very recent technological developments on our work and role as teachers of English. Against the background of various concepts such as media literacy, information literacy, tool literacy and critical literacy we will explore how teachers and schools are developing new teaching concepts, new assessment ideas and new communication strategies to keep pace with the development and adapt to the conditions of the digital age. A particular focus will be on the use of artificial intelligence tools in teaching and the various questions that have arisen through the recent broad accessibility of AI-tools like ChatGTP for teachers and learners.

Based on these topics you will develop a (group-based) research project such as teacher/headteacher/learner interviews, lesson observations, the comparison of various schools’ ‘Medienentwicklungsplan’ and the use of digital learning-tools and especially the use of AI-tools by students and teachers.

The MAP (Modulabschlussprüfung) in this course will be a term paper of 7-8 pages, to be handed in by the end of August 2023.

Semester: SoSe 2023