This seminar thematizes the concept of cultural iconicity and the sociological phenomenon of cultural icon. It relates them to and at the same time differentiates from the cognate notions such as symbol, totem, archetype, myth, etc. The recognition of iconicity generated a kind of ‘iconic turn’ in social and human sciences. We will look how it has been realized and applied in conjunction with other important categories, for example space, architecture, art, media and technology. One of the key goals is to recognize the ubiquity and specificity of iconic phenomena as well as their centrality to many different social issues, some of which may seem radically new but – when analyzed more closely – reveals forms of reliance ona much deeper sui generis cultural logics. Just like our language is famously described as full of “metaphors we live by”, our culture is structured and rhythmicized by the power and life cycles of ‘icons we live by.’

Semester: WiSe 2022/23