This marketing seminar builds upon the Journal of Marketing Special Issue: Better Marketing for a Better World1. This issue presents wide-ranging studies that deal with the evaluation of the contribution of marketing science and practice to the improvement in various aspects of the world.

Based on this Special Issue, in this seminar, we will conduct a literature review leveraging concepts of marketing management and economic theory to address four key topics: 

  • Sustainability and Climate Concerns
  • Economic and Social Empowerment
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Prosocial Giving

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course students will develop:

  • Ability to systematically and independently address a research topic
  • Competence in critical evaluation, identification, and summarizing of relevant studies
  • Understanding of managerial implications derived from the studies
  • Skills in identifying and discussing limitations of the research as part of an analytic report

Semester: WiSe 2022/23