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This course introduces doctoral students and advanced master’s students (final year) to the fundamentals of interdisciplinary human-environment research. Collectively taught by IRI THESys researchers, the course introduces students to the range of scientific practices for building explanations and constructing knowledge in human-environment research. The themes covered include introductions to the history of western scientific thought, ethics and politics, science and technology studies, numerical modelling, statistical inference, remote sensing, ethnography, and human geography, as well as inter- and transdisciplinarity. The course will be organized around the theme of climate change, to showcase different thought-styles and practices as they are articulated and enacted within a specific research domain.

The seminar takes place Fridays, 10-12ct, with the exception of October 22nd (13-15ct) and the possible exception of November 19th (TBA). We will meet in person where possible, but some sessions will likely be held virtually. Classes will be organized around lectures, followed by discussion. It is a requirement for students to participate actively in the discussion. As a final project, students will conduct group work to develop an interdisciplinary research question that connects their respective fields and propose a work plan to answer that question.

Semester: WiSe 2021/22