This seminar provides an opportunity to graduate students and advanced undergraduates with knowledge of ancient Greek (required!) to gain first-hand experience in working on the ancient commentators on Aristotle.  Together we will slowly work through the commentary on Metaphysics Z written by Asclepius of Tralles in the 6th century C.E. though based on a lecture series by his teacher, Ammonius Hermeiou of Alexandria (c. 435/445 –517/526 C.E.), which has not yet been translated into any modern language, translating, and discussing each line of text as we go along.  The goal is to complete a publishable translation for the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle series, and to come to a better understanding of Asclepius’ and Ammonius’ account(s) of substance, with a particular focus on the Neoplatonic influence on their thought.

Semester: WiSe 2021/22