Show course in Agnes

This module introduces students to applied collection research in a museum context. The course will be taught in collaboration with the MEK (Museum of European Cultures or Museum Europäischer Kulturen - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin) and will lead to a curatorial contribution to the forthcoming Makermuseum exhibition. The classes will focus on collection research, including object-based methodologies, archival approaches, participant observation, material culture ethnography, and multispecies perspectives. Throughout, the emphasis is on linking theory with practice across a variety of object-based contexts, and equipping students to think critically about individual and group contribution. Students will learn about production processes to engage with the ethical and interpretative choices underpinning current museological practice, as well as to develop and defend their own curatorial decisions. Selected quality contributions might become part of the MEK MakerMuseum exhibition.  The course is co-convened by Sofia Botvinnik from the MEK educational team.

The course will be taught synchronously on Zoom AND in person (workshop and presentation format). 

The seminar will be in English as will be the readings. However, students are welcome to speak German in class as well as submit their course requirements as well as their MAPs in German.  

Lecture slides and notes will be available to course participants.                                                        

Students are encouraged to contact the lecturer about additional learning needs:  

Semester: WiTerm 2021/22