Course Description

What is the role and place of such issues as power, reflection, voice, social change and positionality in English language education theory and practice? How and why are these issues made visible or invisibilized in English Language Teaching (ELT)? What is the status of English locally and globally and how is it reflected on ELT? Relying on such questions, this seminar aims at creating links and dialogues between ELT and Critical Literacy framework. To this end, this seminar views learners as active participants and invites them to question, examine, or dispute the power relations prevailing in various contexts and domains of ELT with a special focus on texts, discourses, and identities that exist between the lines, the readers and the authors. The seminar will also enthuse the learners to reflect, transform, act and possibly reshape their own classes through alternative and critical projects and tasks.

Semester: SoSe 2021