Semester: Frühere Semester

In diesem Kurs erwerben Sie Kenntnisse der türkischen Sprache auf A2-Niveau. 
Sie lernen, einfache Äußerungen und Wendungen in typischen Alltagssituationen zu verstehen und selbst auszudrücken. Sie werden Wünsche äußern, Vorschläge machen und darauf reagieren können, einen Weg und Ort beschreiben, höfliche Bitten formulieren oder einen Rat erteilen. Sie können ein Ereignis in der Vergangenheit und Pläne in der Zukunft ausdrücken. Persönliche Briefe, Kurz-notizen und Mitteilungen werden gelesen und geschrieben. In der Grammatik liegt der Schwerpunkt auf den Tempora (z.B. Aorist („r-Präsens“), Futur und Präteritum), dem temporalen Funktionswort idi sowie dem Voluntativ/ Imperativ und der Wiedergabe von brauchen und müssen. Die Vermittlung von landeskundlichen und interkulturellen Besonderheiten der Türkei bzw. der türkischen Sprache gehören ebenfalls zum Kursinhalt. 

Semester: Frühere Semester
Semester: Frühere Semester


Semester: Frühere Semester

Arabisch A2.1 

Semester: Frühere Semester

Liebe Deutschlernerinnen und Deutschlerner,

schön, dass ihr die Gruppe auf moodle gefunden habt. Ich lade hier die Präsentationen hoch. Hier könnt ihr zu Hause wiederholen, was wir zusammen im Unterricht gemacht haben oder wenn ihr nicht zum Unterricht kommen könnt, sehen was wir gemacht haben.

Liebe Grüße


Semester: Frühere Semester
Semester: Frühere Semester
Semester: Frühere Semester
Semester: Frühere Semester
Semester: Frühere Semester

Dopo mesi di tensione all’estero (USA, Francia, Germania), ma anche in Italia (Pisa, Trento, Torino, Milano), scoppia la contestazione studentesca. Quali sono state le caratteristiche del movimento sessantottino? In quale contesto si origina, come si evolve? A cinquant'anni dal Sessantotto ne affronteremo le figure più significative, gli eventi e i temi in discussione, operando un confronto anche con i movimenti (studenteschi e non) che hanno caratterizzato la protesta civile degli ultimi decenni. Dedicheremo particolare attenzione alle conquiste studentesche del '68 che verranno contrapposte alla situazione delle università in Italia e in Europa oggi. Ai partecipanti saranno proposti saggi e audiovisivi con i quali si intende ampliare il lessico specifico e stimolare la discussione; è richiesta la partecipazione attiva durante il corso (con presentazioni e dibattiti) e in autonomia.

Semester: Frühere Semester

Wikileaks, fake news, post-verità. Mai come nell’era della comunicazione digitale si è imposta la necessità di una riflessione sulla produzione di notizie e sull’uso dei media. Come vengono percepiti questi temi e quali sono le modalità di accesso all’informazione oggi in Italia? Durante il corso rivolgeremo la nostra attenzione ai media tradizionali (stampa, televisione, radio), ma ci occuperemo anche di giornalismo partecipativo (blog) e delle forme ibride di informazione (graphic journalism). Esamineremo alcuni case studies a partire da notizie che hanno dominato la stampa italiana e internazionale, affrontando diversità e somiglianze tra i linguaggi dei vari media. Ai partecipanti verranno proposti saggi e audiovisivi attraverso i quali si intende ampliare il lessico specifico e consolidare temi linguistici già affrontati; è inoltre richiesta una presentazione orale sul tema del corso.

Semester: Frühere Semester

Il corso B1 di italiano è il terzo di 3 corsi che servono per ottenere l’Unicert I. Con questo corso ricevete 5 crediti (Studienpunkte).  Obiettivi: In questo corso verranno sviluppate ulteriormente le quattro abilità (ascolto, lettura, produzione orale e produzione scritta) e verrà data anche importanza allo sviluppo della competenza interculturale. Alla fine del corso i partecipanti dovranno essere per esempio in grado di ascoltare (seguire i punti principali di conversazioni, anche lunghe, in lingua standard su temi conosciuti; capire i punti principali in trasmissioni radiofoniche su temi di attualità), leggere (confrontare diverse opinioni espresse su temi di vario genere, capire la trama e la recensione di un libro o di un film, capire un testo narrativo contemporaneo in lingua standard),  parlare (partecipare a conversazioni su temi di interesse personale; esporre e motivare la propria opinione su temi generali; formulare ipotesi e supposizioni; raccontare la trama di un libro o di un film e descrivere le proprie impressioni; descrivere l’aspetto fisico di una persona),  scrivere (riassumere brevemente la trama di un libro o di un film; scrivere brevi testi per esprimere la propria opinione; prendere appunti per riassumere una discussione informale).

Semester: Frühere Semester
Semester: Frühere Semester
English for Students of Economics and Business Studies
  This course aims to provide students of Economics and Business Studies with the opportunity to improve speaking, listening and reading skills in particular, with regard to their field of study. To this end, a range of topics will be covered, depending on the needs and interests of the students, and could include, for example, future economic trends, women in business, start-ups in Berlin as well as other economic current events. In week 1, we will discuss potential topics and appropriate sources for authentic materials. Students will be asked to prepare subject-specific presentations and chair the ensuing discussion. Language feedback will allow students to see how they are progressing throughout the course. Grammar practice will be remedial. As well as the assessed presentation, there will be final tests in reading and listening comprehension.

Wegen des dies academicus am 16.4.18 beginnt dieser Kurs in der zweiten Woche.
Voraussetzung: Online-Einstufungstest mit 65 bis 100 Punkten.
91037   Mo  12-16  wöch.  DOR 65, 3.31  W. Garner  5 ECTS-Punkte  40 €  ab 11.04, 10:00 Uhr
Semester: Frühere Semester



This course aims to provide students of Economics and Business Studies with the opportunity to improve speaking, listening and reading skills in particular, with regard to their field of study. To this end, a range of topics will be covered, depending on the needs and interests of the students, and could include, for example, economics and ecology, gender in business, and Global Business English skills. In week 1, we will discuss potential topics.

Key language skills will be practiced / reviewed (reading and listening strategies, presentation skills). We will also look at ‘learning to learn’ to enhance independent language learning strategies, and additional activities will aim to expand vocabulary, refresh grammar and improve style. Material will be taken from diverse authentic sources.

Semester: Frühere Semester

This course aims to provide students with the opportunity to improve key speaking, reading and listening skills in their fields of study. Each week students will be expected to give short presentations on current economic and political events and to participate actively in follow-up discussions and role play in related case studies. Topics will include a general review of economics, economic models, key economists, etc. and the interrelationship of the economic, political and business environments. At the end of the course students should be able, through trainer input and feedback, to exhibit C1 English language ability in spoken skills and reading & listening comprehension. Previous knowledge of economic and business terminology or concepts is not a prerequisite. Students will be assessed on the basis of an agreed presentation theme, homework/class contribution, and by passing the final tests in Speaking (presentation and related class inputs) and Reading and Listening Comprehension.
Voraussetzung: Online-Einstufungstest mit 65 bis 100 Punkten.

Semester: Frühere Semester

In this course we will work on the English language skills needed to be a successful academic historian. We will concentrate on writing skills, especially on essay writing and critical writing (writing a review, writing summaries). We will also concentrate on the presentation skills needed to give both a generic presentation (such as, for example, in a museum) and a conference paper. We will work on vocabulary and grammar as needs be. The grade for the course will be based on the work you do in the course (66%) and on a final essay exam (33%) in the penultimate week of the course.

Semester: Frühere Semester

With an emphasis on speaking and reading, this course is designed for students of the Arts and Humanities and will cover topics of general interest: art, film, music, and various current events. Participants will give presentations based on an approved topic of their choice. Throughout the semester, there will also be ample grammar review and vocabulary building, along with regular discussion and some writing practice. Apart from attending class regularly (there is an 80% attendance requirement), students are expected to submit weekly homework assignments and to make regular use of the Moodle course site. The final test will comprise three components: (1) a reading comprehension test, (2) a vocabulary and grammar test, and (3) a short oral exam (10–15 minutes). The Leistungsnachweis will be awarded on the basis of regular and active participation as well as the successful completion of the final tests.
Voraussetzung: Online-Einstufungstest mit 50 bis 69 Punkten.

Semester: Frühere Semester

This course covers a myriad of topics: communication, print media, radio, TV, and to some extent art, film, and music. Integrating all language skills, particular emphasis is placed on (1) vocabulary acquisition, concentrating on terminology pertaining to the above subjects, (2) listening comprehension, using current podcasts especially, and (3) writing skills, focusing on commentaries, group Etherpad discourses, and reviews. Additionally, participants will give short presentations on Berlin culture and events, with follow-up discussions, and there will be ample, weekly grammar review. All students are expected to make regular use of the e-learning platform Moodle, which accompanies the course. The final exam will comprise three components: a vocabulary and grammar test, a listening comprehension test, and a writing task.

Voraussetzung: Online-Einstufungstest mit 50 bis 70 Punkten.





 DOR 65, 2.45

 Dr. F. Latino

 5 ECTS-Punkte 


Semester: Frühere Semester
Semester: Frühere Semester
Semester: Frühere Semester
Semester: Frühere Semester

91650: Türkisch UNIcert Basis A1 (ohne Vorkenntnisse)

Semester: Frühere Semester